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Josef Swetz

Josef Swetz (West, '20)When Palmer West student Josef Swetz graduates this December, he’ll become the third generation in his family to become a doctor of chiropractic. He plans to continue the family legacy, “eventually inheriting and leading my family’s clinic in Morton, Washington — Morton Chiropractic Center.”

Josef’s grandfather, Frank Swetz graduated from Palmer College’s main campus in Davenport, Iowa in 1974, and his father John Swetz, graduated from Palmer West in 1984. Josef’s plan was to become an actor, but he decided to give up on that dream and practice chiropractic. “My dad’s healing hands are truly what interested me in chiropractic, he was able to help people gain back their lives and reduce the amount of pain they were suffering from. I thought that was magic.”

Being a student at Palmer West, Josef believes that Palmer College of Chiropractic has prepared him for future success. “This is a program where the amount of effort you put in does matter in shaping you into the future doctor of chiropractic you want to be. The technique classes and the doctors teaching them have prepared me for the real world. I feel like they have given me all the resources I need to become successful in practice.”

With graduation approaching soon, Josef reflects on his time at Palmer, “I enjoyed meeting so many people from many different walks of life. I learned a lot more about myself and where my heart truly lies within the health care profession. I enjoyed the milestones of being a student and a student intern. The progression and changes have truly shaped me into a better person all around.”