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Sami Pena

Seventh quarter student, Samantha “Sami” Pena has always been drawn to working in health care because helping others is a passion of hers. Before her decision to come to Palmer West to study chiropractic care, she received a B.S. in Kinesiology from the University of Nevada Reno.

Sami wants to be a chiropractor so she can “help others know the importance of staying healthy and keeping your body in motion. I hope I can help not only those who are in acute or chronic pain but also people who simply want to feel their best.”

The perks of attending Palmer West made her decision easy. “I chose Palmer West because it’s known for its emphasis in sports chiropractic, and its location near the ocean is a great bonus! I’m also very interested in working in corporate chiropractic or an integrated health setting and the Bay area is a great place for that!”

With plenty of clubs and organizations on campus Sami continues to hone her skills. She is the current ASG president and member of SACA and SCCA. Something you would not know about her is that she loves being involved but hates public speaking!

“Being the ASG president has pushed me to get more comfortable but I still have a five-minute freak out before every meeting!”

As a future chiropractor, Sami looks forward to how much further chiropractic can progress. “Seeing a bigger emphasis in rehabilitation, corporate chiropractic, and integrated health care, I know that our profession will only go up from here!”

Palmer College of Chiropractic is the first and largest chiropractic college. More chiropractors have graduated from Palmer than any other chiropractic institution. Interested in learning more about attending Palmer College? Visit