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Finding Purpose Through the Ambassador Program

Why Michael Cafaro, D.C. (’04) serves as an Alumni Ambassador for the Chiropractic Association Relations program.

Michael Cafaro, D.C. (`04) serves as an Alumni Ambassador for the Chiropractic Association Relations program.Start talking to Michael Cafaro, D.C. (’04) about Palmer College, and it doesn’t take long before he gets emotional.

“Palmer has given me purpose. It’s why I’m able to do what I do,” he said.

Dr. Cafaro grew up knowing he wanted to be a health care professional. What that meant for the Youngstown, Ohio, native at the time, he wasn’t quite sure. That is, until he began battling chronic sinus issues, lost his sense of smell and sought relief from an ear-nose-throat (ENT) specialist.

“Nothing they did worked, so eventually I was told to ‘just deal with it,’” said Dr. Cafaro.

Dr. Cafaro was not going to settle for that answer. And his story became one those in the profession know well. He went to a chiropractor. And it worked. His future in health care was set.

“Chiropractic chose me.”

And Dr. Cafaro chose Palmer College.

It was Dr. Cafaro’s time at Palmer College that he not only credits for his success in the profession but also his reason for getting involved at Palmer. “I bleed purple. When I was visiting with Craig Schmidt in the Alumni and Advancement Office, they talked about giving of time, talent or treasure to Palmer. I wanted to do all three.”

Not only is Dr. Cafaro a long-time donor and current Founder’s Circle donor, but he joins former faculty member and Palmer alumnus, Dr. Ron Boesch (’91), and founding Ambassador, Dr. Bill Spontak (’90), as an Alumni Ambassador for the Chiropractic Association Relations program, a role he fulfills while remaining in practice full time. “We’re essentially attending two to three events per year, so it does not negatively affect practice time whatsoever. Plus, the Alumni Office team walks alongside us through everything. It’s a refreshing getaway that keeps me plugged into Palmer at the same time.”

Alumni Ambassadors are selected to represent the College at association events across the country. For example, Dr. Cafaro attended the CCA Convention in Colorado this past fall and will be attending the ANJC Conference in New Jersey and the TCA Texpo in Texas later this spring. Other Ambassadors have attended events in Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Ohio, and more.

And the program is growing. With increased demand for Palmer presence, and an equal desire from Palmer to be present, the need for Ambassadors has increased. In the past year, Palmer has been represented at more than 20 association events, with the potential to attend more events through the participation of Ambassadors.

“The Ambassador program gives us the opportunity to increase our reach with alumni, but it also gives the Ambassadors the opportunity to connect with their peers while advocating on behalf of the College. Palmer has the most passionate alumni in the profession, and the time I get to spend with them at association meetings and events is so rewarding. To share that experience with our Ambassadors like Dr. Cafaro, who care so deeply about Palmer and the profession, is meaningful to me, our team, and the College, said Rathje.

Interested in Becoming an Ambassador?

For more information, please visit or contact the Alumni & Advancement Office at 563-884-5453 or