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Alumni Awards Nomination Form

Palmer Alumni Award Nomination

Submissions will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. Monday, March 31. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please complete the form below to submit your nomination for a Palmer Alumni Award. Only information included on this form and supporting materials will be used when selecting award recipients. Phone calls and mailed nomination forms will not be considered.

Distinguished Achievement Award Presented to a Palmer alumnus/alumna who has made significant contributions to the field of chiropractic — offering important efforts and accomplishments with professional, societal, and/or educational value.

Distinguished Service Award Honoring alumni who have shown exceptional dedication and service to Palmer College over time.

Entrepreneurship Award Presented to an alumnus/alumna who has achieved regional, national, or global success as an entrepreneur in chiropractic or a related field.

Palmer 10-Under-10 Award Presented to 10 Palmer alumni who graduated from the College within the last 10 years. Honorees have realized considerable success, are active volunteers or mentors in the profession or outside of it, have made significant contributions toward alumni engagement and are positive role models for students.

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