Brick wall with four busts behind pink flowers.

Campus Stores

The Campus Store is open Monday-Friday and is a student resource for required books, reference books, note sets, lab supplies, diagnostic instruments, class/ office supplies, Palmer apparel and gift merchandise. Book rentals are also available on all required books and selected diagnostic instruments. Committed to student success, every effort is made to keep costs down and student learning tools affordable.

Extracurricular Activities

The College recognizes the importance of organized student activities as an integral part of the Doctor of Chiropractic program. Student clubs, whether athletic, academic, social, political or clinical in their focus, provide a valuable adjunct to the Palmer student experience. Student organizations provide a framework for students within which they may develop their own special talents and interests.

Recreational and sporting events are organized either as intramurals within the College or with outside community leagues. Social events are planned throughout each academic term on an individual basis.

The Student Council functions as a communications network between the students, the faculty and administration. Student representatives have voting positions on various College committees. Representatives are elected from each class to serve on these student governing bodies.

The Palmer Student Alumni Foundation (PSAF) serves as an organization to help ease the transition from student to doctor. The Student International Chiropractors Association (SICA) and the Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) also prepare students for professional practice.

Contact the Student Services Office for more information.

Palmer Alert Notification System

The College uses the Palmer Alert emergency notification system to efficiently inform current students and employees on all three campuses in the event of an emergency situation or if a campus will be closed due to adverse weather conditions or other reasons. Once registered, individuals may receive notification via phones, email and text messaging through Palmer Alert.

Palmer Center for Business Development

The Palmer Center for Business Development (PCBD) is housed in the Division of Student Affairs and is dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation through educational programs that bridge academic training and business acumen. The Center’s educational programs are supplemental to what students learn in the Doctor of Chiropractic curriculum and are offered at no charge to current Palmer students and alumni.

The Center also maintains the Palmer CareerNetwork. The CareerNetwork is an online virtual career center that includes employment opportunities, practices and equipment for sale, online library, and the Palmer Professional Network.

The Palmer Center for Business Development maintains a library on both the Main and Florida campuses. Library topics range from business concerns such as marketing, finance and management, to chiropractic-specific interests such as floor plans, getting started in practice and licensure requirements. There are books on personal growth and professional development as well that may be checked out by students.

The Palmer Center for Business Development also provides career assistance through a Trimester Career Success checklists and thru mentoring from student Business Ambassadors.

Student Academic Support Services

Academic Support Services assist you in understanding and adapting to the academic challenges of a chiropractic education. Our goal is to help you develop skills and strategies that contribute to a successful and satisfying educational experience.

Services Provided:
Academic Coaching:
Aimed at collaborating with new students to navigate successfully through their first trimester with Palmer.

Supplemental Lecture and Lab:
Courses traditionally more difficult for students are paired with a weekly lecture or lab session led by student peers reviewing the current week’s topic.

Drop-In Tutoring:
Provides a friendly and collaborative environment where students can receive on-demand help related to content, exams, or study tips.

For more information about Student Academic Support Services, visit

Student Disability Support Center

Palmer College of Chiropractic values the diverse talents and abilities students bring to chiropractic education. The College promotes diversity by striving to provide equal access to qualified applicants and students with disabilities. It is the College’s experience that qualified individuals with disabilities (as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended) may be successful in the field of chiropractic with appropriate and reasonable accommodations to provide equal access to their education.

The College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for qualified applicants and students with disabilities and grants reasonable academic adjustments or accommodations (hereafter, referred to collectively as “accommodations”) for qualified applicants and students with disabilities on an individual basis.

Qualified applicants and students are invited and encouraged to voluntarily self-identify any disability which represents a functional limitation or boundary to the College’s Technical, Academic and Professional Standards for Admission to Continuation in and Graduation from the Palmer College Doctor of Chiropractic Program as well as the academic requirement for each individual course and other published College policies.

A “qualified person with a disability” is an individual with a disability who in addition to academic admission requirements, meets the technical, academic and professional standards required for admission to, continuation in or graduation from the College’s educational programs as well as meets the academic requirement for each individual course and other published College policies with or without approved, reasonable accommodations.

All individuals considering, applying or enrolling in the Doctor of Chiropractic Degree Program must carefully review the technical, academic and professional standards to better understand what is expected at Palmer College of Chiropractic and ensure they are otherwise qualified to engage as a Palmer College student.

The College’s Technical, Academic, and Professional Standards may be accessed online at 

Reasonable accommodations are a means of providing an equal opportunity to meet these essential standards, not to circumvent them, and to ensure equal opportunity as much as reasonably possible. While the College strives to accommodate qualified applicants and students as fully as possible, reasonable accommodations do not include: 1) measures that pose a direct threat to the health or safety of self and/or others, 2) measures which lower or fundamentally alter the College’s academic, technical or professional standards, academic requirements for each individual course or other published College policies or 3) measures that pose an undue administrative or financial burden. Except in limited circumstances, the use of a third party (an intermediary) to perform required standards on behalf of another student would constitute a fundamental alteration. In the event a student is unable to fulfill these required standards at any time after admission, with or without reasonable accommodation, the student will not be allowed to continue in the program.

Individuals are provided reasonable accommodations based upon specific information and assessment data documented by a qualified, licensed professional with the requisite skills and credentials to assess, diagnose and make a determination regarding the nature of the disability, its severity, the duration, the activities limited by the disability and the extent to which the disability limits the student’s ability to perform the essential requirements for the DC program.

The College treats its students as responsible adults with the independent right to make life decisions. Accordingly, applicants and students themselves must identify the need for accommodations and give adequate notice of the need. Applicants and students seeking reasonable accommodations must comply with the process outlined in the Handbook for Students and Applicants with Disabilities for requesting and receiving reasonable accommodations which may be accessed on the College website at:

Any qualified applicant or student with a disability who seeks a reasonable accommodation to meet the College’s Academic, Technical or Professional Standards for Admission to or Continuation in the College’s educational program and activities, the academic requirements for each individual course or other published College policies must contact any of the following individuals:

Holly Fischer, B.A.
Director of Academic Support
Student Academic Support Services
Also serving as Disability Services Coordinator
1000 Brady Street
Davenport, Iowa, 52803

Victor Hidalgo, M.S.
Manager Academic Support Services
Also serving as Disability Services Coordinator
Office of Student Administrative Services
4777 City Center Parkway
Port Orange, FL 32129

Student Handbook

The Palmer College of Chiropractic Student Handbook is found on the Palmer website at In addition to including information on various programs and services provided by the College, the handbook also serves as the student’s reference guide for the rules and regulations that govern the instructional and extracurricular programs at the College. Students are responsible for reviewing the handbook to familiarize themselves with all policies and procedures. The handbook is updated every two years. All students are responsible for reviewing each new edition for policy revisions and procedural updates.

Student Health

Chiropractic care is offered either free of charge or at reduced cost to students and specific family members at the Palmer Chiropractic Clinics. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase health insurance. There are several student health insurance resources available through outside companies. Contact Student Services for more information.

Student Orientation

Prior to the beginning of each academic term, the College conducts a new student orientation for the incoming class. The program features presentations by Palmer faculty, staff and students regarding College goals, policies and procedures, campus life, clubs and extracurricular activities. All new students are required to attend.

Student Portals

The Palmer Portal provides students with personalized access to campus information and services. Through the portal, students will access their course home pages, which include course syllabi and materials posted by each instructor. They may also view their administrative records, including billing, transcripts and course schedules.

Refer to Palmer College of Chiropractic’s online Record Retention and the Disposal of College Records policy and accompanying appendix for information regarding how the College handles student records. All student transcripts are permanently kept.

Student Services

The College provides support, services, and resources for students to meet personal and professional goals. This includes the following:

  • Campus clubs and organizations
  • Career advising
  • Financial Planning
  • Intramural activities
  • Palmer Center for Business Development
  • Registrar services
  • Student Academic Support

Wireless Computer Access

The College offers wireless networks for student use. Palmer students must log in with their full Palmer email addresses and password to access the wireless network.