Sun streaming behind First Adjustment Statue of D.D. Palmer.

Gallup-Palmer College Annual Report

Americans’ Perceptions of Chiropractic Care

Palmer College commissioned Gallup to conduct perception research from 2015 to 2018. This research, distilled into a four-part series of reports, outlines Americans’ perceptions of chiropractic care.

In 2020, Palmer College published “The Case for Chiropractic: How Chiropractic Care Benefits Patients and Insurers.”

Key Gallup-Palmer College Findings

2015: Americans’ Perceptions of Chiropractic

  • Two-thirds (61%) of adult Americans believe chiropractors are effective at treating neck and back pain.
  • The majority (57%) of adults are likely to see a chiropractor for neck or back pain.
  • More than 1/2 of all U.S. adults have visited a chiropractor, and more than 1/4 of them would choose chiropractic care first for back or neck pain.
  • Nearly 1/2 of all U.S. adults don’t know if their insurance covers chiropractic care.


Read the article in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.

2016: Chiropractic is Safe, Effective, Affordable Care

95% of past-year chiropractic users say it's effective.

  • Nearly 62 million U.S. adults (25%) went to a chiropractor in the last five years. More than half (35.5 million) said they went in the last 12 months—up slightly from the 33.6 million in last year’s survey.
  • Three in four of those who saw a chiropractor in the last year (75%) described chiropractic care as “very effective.”
  • 88% of recent chiropractic patients agreed the quality of care they received was a good value for the money they paid.

2017: Americans Prefer Drug-Free Pain Management Over Opioids

78% of people prefer drug-free pain management over opioids

  • 78% prefer to try other ways to address their physical pain before they take pain medication prescribed by a doctor.
  • 27% of U.S. adults have seen a health-care professional for significant neck or back pain in the last 12 months. Of those adults, more than half (54%) have had an ongoing problem with neck or back pain for five years or more.
  • Education about chiropractic care increases the likelihood people will go to a chiropractor, especially for Black patients and younger adults.

2018: Managing Neck and Back Pain in America

Chiropractor with a mom and her three children.

  • 67% of Americans suffering from neck or back pain want to see a professional who treats neck or back pain using a variety of methods including prescription medication or surgery. Still, 79% of U.S. adults would prefer to try to address their neck or back pain using methods other than prescription medication or surgery first.
  • Roughly nine out of 10 adults who saw a chiropractor most often for significant neck or back pain in the last 12 months say their chiropractor often listens (93%), provides convenient, quick access to care (93%), demonstrates care/compassion (91%) and explains things well (88%). Similar percentages exist for physical therapists.
  • Adults who saw a medical doctor most often for neck or back pain are less likely to say their health care provider did these things – although majorities still do. Seventy-two percent say their medical doctor listens, 67% say their medical doctor explains things well, and 66% say they demonstrate care/compassion.

2020: The Case for Chiropractic: How Chiropractic Care Benefits Patients and Insurers

  • Low-back pain is the No. 1 cause of disability worldwide and the top reason opioids are prescribed.
  • UnitedHealthCare projects significant cost-savings for patients when they incorporate chiropractic care for back pain. Patients receiving 75% of care from a chiropractor result in a 23% reduction in cost savings; patients receiving 90% of care from a chiropractor result in a 52% reduction in cost.
  • Incorporating chiropractic care is forecasted to result in a 22% decrease in the number of spinal imaging tests; 21% decrease in spinal surgeries and 19% decrease in opioid usage.
  • Medicare patients drastically reduce annual costs with chiropractic care. Two million insurance subscribers report total annual health care costs to be 30-50% less with chiropractic care than with medical doctor-only care for back pain.

Patient Education Materials

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