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October is National Chiropractic Health Month

In September 2020, the chiropractic profession celebrated its 125th anniversary. We continue that celebration in October during National Chiropractic Health Month. According to the American Chiropractic Association, the national month raises public awareness of the importance of musculoskeletal health, the benefits of chiropractic care, and its natural, whole-person, patient-centered and drug-free approach to health and wellness.

Below are some easy-to-share facts about chiropractic:

  • 63% of U.S. adults have had neck or back pain significant enough that they saw a health-care professional for care. Chiropractors are recognized for providing safe, non-drug, noninvasive therapies for back pain and neck complaints.
  • Roughly 25% of U.S. adults visited a chiropractor in the past five years for a non-drug approach to pain.
  • In 2014, almost 2 million Americans abused, or were depending on, prescription opioids. As many as 25% of people who receive prescription opioids long term for non-cancer related pain in primary care settings struggle with addiction.
  • 80% of the American population will experience back pain in their lives. Back pain is one of the leading reasons why people are prescribed opioids.
  • All 32 American pro football teams use chiropractors to help keep players healthy and in the game. Chiropractors provide care for musculoskeletal conditions such as neck and back pain, hamstring and quadriceps strains, whiplash injuries and more.
  • Poor posture can lead to excessive strain on our postural muscles and may even cause them to relax when held in certain positions for long periods of time. Several factors contribute to poor posture such as stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, abnormally tight muscles, and wearing high-heeled shoes. A chiropractor can help correct posture to reduce the risk of injury.
  • The neck’s susceptibility to injury is due in part to biomechanics. Activities and events that affect cervical biomechanics include extended sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows to the body or head, normal aging, and everyday wear and tear.
  • 90% of Americans suffer from headaches. Research shows that spinal manipulation, one of the primary treatments provided by doctors of chiropractic, may be an effective option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.


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