Congratulations to the Palmer academic, research and clinical faculty whose scholarly work has been selected for presentation at the Association of Chiropractic Colleges 30th Annual Education & Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC) in March 2024 in San Diego. This is the highest-profile event aimed at promoting scholarship in the chiropractic profession. Its focus is on “original research and studies that will promote the dissemination and discussion of new information.”
Platform Presentations
Main Campus
“Development of a faculty-driven mixed methods exploratory study of a collegiate research climate”
Kevin Percuoco, B.S., D.C., Cert. MDT; Alex Margrave, B.S., D.C.; Patrik Schneider, B.S., D.C.; Breanne Wells, B.S., D.C., M.S.; Michael VanNatta, Kara Shannon, B.S., D.C.; Meredith Meyers, D.C., M.S., M.D.; Amberly Ferguson, B.S., D.C.; John Crouse, B.A., D.C.; Kira Baca, D.C., M.S., BSEd; Brian Anderson, D.C., M.P.H., M.S., Ph.D.; Dustin Derby, Ed.D.; Lia Nightingale, Ph.D.; Stacie A. Salsbury, Ph.D., R.N.
“The 4Ms of age-friendly healthcare system: A qualitative study of what matters most to chiropractic students”
Lisa Killinger, D.C.; Stacie Salsbury, Ph.D., R.N.; Judy Bhatti, D.C., M.S., DHEd; Elissa Twist,D.C., M.S., FIAMA, CCRP
“Reviewing prior imaging in a chiropractic radiology practice: Influences on recommendations for additional diagnostic testing”
Ian McLean, D.C., DACBR; Emma Forlow, D.C., Kira Baca, D.C., M.S., BSEd; Robert Vining, D.C., DHSc.
“Healthcare provider perspectives of integrating a comprehensive spine care model in an academic health system: A cross-sectional survey”
Wren Burton, D.C.; Stacie Salsbury, Ph.D., R.N.; Christine Goertz, D.C., Ph.D.
“Assessing treatments delivered by Veterans Affairs chiropractors in a multi-site pragmatic trial on patients with chronic low back pain”
Ryan Muller, D.C.; Cynthia Long, Ph.D.; PStat; Kei-Hoi Cheung, Ph.D., Harini Bathulapalli, M.P.H.; Christine Goertz, D.C., Ph.D.; Anthony Lisi, D.C.
Palmer Florida
“The effects of study time, sleep duration, perception of course difficulty, and grade satisfaction on final exam scores”
Niu Zhang, M.D., M.S.; Xiaohua He, M.D., M.S.
“The impact of class attendance on both individual and collective exam performances”
Xiaohua He, M.D., M.S.
Palmer West
“Chiropractic consultation requests from a neurosurgery service in a 1A Veterans Affairs health care system”
Robert Walsh, D.C.; Alec Schielke, D.C.; Ellen Chevillet (West Student)
Poster Presentations:
Main Campus

“Morphometric and non-morphometric evaluation in a pathology skull collection: A pilot study”
Megan Beveridge, B.S., M.S.; Emily Speer, B.S., D.C.; Katie Manley-Buser, Ph.D.; Judy Bhatti, D.C., M.S., DHEd; Roger Hynes, BSc., D.C.; Steve Duray, Ph.D.
“Management of diabetic neuropathy with low level laser therapy in an 81-year-old male: A case report”
Callyn Dittmar, B.A., D.C.
“A cognitive functional therapy approach to the management of persistent, debilitating lumbar radiculopathy: A case report”
Kevin Percuoco, B.S., D.C., Cert. MDT; Casey Buns, B.A, D.C.; Ryan Kelly (Palmer student)
“A scoping review to identify barriers and facilitators of research participation among chiropractic faculty”
Kara Shannon,B.S., D.C.; Brian Anderson, D.C., M.P.H., M.S., Ph.D.; Kira Baca, D.C., M.S., BSEd; John Crouse, B.A., D.C., Amberly Ferguson, B.S., D.C.; Alex Margarve, B.S., D.C.; Meredith Meyers, D.C., M.S., M.D.; Kevin Percuoco, B.S., D.C., Cert. MDT; Patrik Schneider, B.S., D.C.; Jennifer Smith, D.C.; Michael VanNatta, D.C.; Breanne Wells, B.S., D.C., M.S.; Lia Nightingale, Ph.D.; Stacie A. Salsbury, Ph.D., R.N.
“Intimate partner violence among chiropractic patients: A literature review and call to action”
Julie Johnson, B.S., D.C.; Alex Margrave, B.S., D.C.; Kira Baca, D.C., M.S., BSEd; Lisa Killinger, D.C., Judy Bhatti, D.C., M.S., DHEd.
Palmer West
“Chiropractic Management of a 38-year-old male veteran with acute low back pain presenting to the emergency department: A case report”
Annie Babikian, D.C.; Robert Walsh, D.C.; Alec Schielke, D.C.