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Shawnthor Ramos

Shawn Ramos holding Palmer College letter.As a weightlifter, 1st quarter student Shawnthor (Shawn) Ramos always felt he had stiffness or limited range of motion, until one day when he decided he would see if chiropractic care could help him.

“I was astounded by how much I was able to move and realized chiropractic is more than just for pain, but a great tool for recovery and performance. This led me to be interested in chiropractic, and the more I was exposed to the profession, the more I wanted to pursue being one.”

His love for weightlifting and playing sports growing up helped him work hard and obtain self-discipline, but as he got older, he realized that strenuous activities could take a toll on your body. Rather than turning to pharmaceuticals or surgical procedures, chiropractic care provided him with the recovery he needed and the passion to help other athletes.

“I want to be someone who can provide athletes a way to maximize their performance and recovery without having to sit on the side or simply take medication.”

“I chose Palmer West because Palmer College is known for being a research-based school. I was also born in San Jose, so attending Palmer West allowed me to stay closer to home. Palmer West is also known for its Sports Council program, and that was attractive since sports and caring for athletes is a big interest of mine.”

With Shawn almost wrapping up his 1st quarter at Palmer he has his mind set up for what he hopes the future of chiropractic looks like. “I’m looking forward to seeing more athletes and the general public who are looking to improve their well-being lean towards chiropractic, rehab, mobility work, and recovery as part of their regimen. I’m also looking forward to breaking the stigmatism of “chiropractors only work on the spine” and that as a Doctor of Chiropractic, we focus on the whole body.”

Palmer College of Chiropractic is the first and largest chiropractic college. More chiropractors have graduated from Palmer than any other chiropractic institution. Interested in learning more about attending Palmer College? Visit