During his collective two-plus decades of service at Palmer West, Stephen "Randy" Waters, D.C., contributed to the advancement of the campus in two equally impactful roles.
Susan Welsh, D.C., DACBSP®, (Main, ’80) has made history as the first chiropractor recognized as the Q1-21 USF Health patient Experience Care Provider Top Performer.
"COVID forced me to think outside the box and I was able to convert my practice into a mobile clinic. The majority of my patients stayed with me since they had already become familiar with my services," said Dr. Fadahunsi.
After graduating, Dr. McClure opened his own practice, WholeBody Chiropractic, a multidisciplinary clinic hosting multiple chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and a variety of other practitioners.
Chloë and Will met in July of 2018 during orientation and by the end of second quarter, they were a couple. Three years later, the couple is newly engaged and looking forward to the impact they will make in the chiropractic profession, together.