Tech neck describes the condition caused by the postures held during extensive screen time. When we spend a prolonged period of time looking down at our phones, tablets or laptops, or even reading a book or writing, we tend to experience symptoms of neck pain, shoulder tension and pain, and headaches – tech neck.

Palmer Chiropractic Clinic’s Rehabilitation and Sports Injury Department features a 2,000-square-foot facility in Davenport, Iowa with state-of-the-art equipment, three full-time doctors who specialize in the field, and additional rehabilitation specialists. Every day they provide care to athletes from distance road runners to track sprinters, cross fitters to weightlifters, football players to soccer players, triathletes to bikers, and rugby players to MMA fighters.

Not all stress is the same, and how we react and respond to it is the difference between good stress and bad stress. The key to managing stress is to have a strategy to help counteract your body’s natural responses. Following are simple tips that can help you more fully enjoy your life and the people around you.

Katherine Clark, D.C. offers tips on ways to minimize back and neck pain, and creating a healthy workspace.