Dr. Benet-Canut, and a small group of others, started the first chiropractic program within an official university in Mexico.

following the advice to move her husband to a cold, dry climate, they relocated to Saskatchewan, Canada and Almeda Haldeman, D.C. became the first chiropractor in Canada, and one of the first female chiropractors in the world.

Palmer SABCA (Student American Black Chiropractic Association) students share their thoughts on the importance of chiropractic and health care.

Dr. Smith set up shop in Rock Island, Illinois, but his chiropractic experience extends beyond the 55 years he spent in practice. There are his thirty-plus mission trips to countries like Ethiopia and Russia. Not to mention 40 years as a faculty member at Palmer, spending most of his time in technique classes.

Together, Dr. Dave, Bittner, Braunstein, and Long not only preserved the tradition and identity of Palmer, but also ushered in a new chapter for the first chiropractic school in the world. Soon, a championship rugby team was gaining notoriety nationally, a marketing plan was rallying chiropractors and patients alike, donations were being made by alumni, and grants were being awarded by large foundations like Ford and Kellogg. Today, more than 21,406 individuals and foundations have made a financial gift to Palmer College since its inception as a nonprofit.