Read more about Leilani Zinsli, D.C. from Davenport, Iowa. Today she co-owns a practice in Ames, Iowa and plays on the Des Moines Women's rugby team.

Read more about Emily Endres, D.C. from Michigan. Dr. Endres played rugby during undergrad and at Palmer. Today, she practices in Battle Creek, Michigan.

Read more about Charbel Medlej, D.C. from Virginia. "There’s no sport in the world that is as inclusive and welcoming as the rugby community and so I knew I would instantly have a family from day one at Palmer that would serve as a close support network through the busy and difficult three years of the academic program."

Read more about Palmer rugby alumni Kyle Nye, D.C. and Bailey Nye, D.C. from Wisconsin, who specialize in sports injury and rehabilitation.
"Why do only professional athletes and celebrities get to experience the wellness benefits of chiropractic? We wanted to bring that attention to family practice. Without our athletic backgrounds and compassion for chiropractic philosophy learned at Palmer, we wouldn’t have the practice we do today," said Bailey.

Read more about Palmer rugby alumni Cornelius Botha, D.C. who has lived in South Africa, Australia and Alaska. A long-time rugby player, Dr. Botha served as Head Coach on the men's team and assisted coaching the women's team. He currently works in Alaska for Dr. Trevor Ireland, another Palmer Rugby alumni.