Dr. Morris was appointed to USA Swimming’s multidisciplinary team of sports-care providers following her rotation at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in 2009.
Palmer West Sports Council members provided care for the 16th year in a row at the 26th annual Sea Otter Classic.
Mike Caione, D.C., (West, '12) was recently appointed as one of the chiropractors to provide care for members of the Canadian team at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea, Feb. 9-25, 2018.
For the ninth year in a row, Palmer College’s West campus played a major role in the 2017 Silicon Valley Turkey Trot, a Thanksgiving-morning fundraiser that supports several Santa Clara County charities.
Palmer College of Chiropractic’s West campus had a prominent presence at the fifth annual Valor Games Far West, a multi-sport Paralympic competition for disabled U.S. veterans and wounded, ill or injured service-members.